Common uses for 3D animation and how they can benefit your business

Jan 24, 2019 | 3D Animation

With so many companies competing against yours for business, it is imperative to make sure your brand stands out. One of the most effective ways to do that is by using 3D animation. It has characteristics that most other marketing tools cannot match. There are so many types of 3D animation and a variety of uses for it, which makes it useful for every industry. This feature helps viewers engage with your brand while also showcasing your company’s standards and vision. Here are some ways to incorporate 3D animation into your videos and the benefits you will notice from doing so.

Communicate complex ideas

The medical field used to primarily rely on in-person instruction and still images to train people. Now, 3D models can be used to make an image of a body come to life. Digital 3D technology can be used to create realistic simulations of human and animal biology for doctors veterinarians. There are even secondary and post-secondary schools that use 3D animation programs to dissect animals instead of working on a real animal. This technology can effectively explain complicated concepts easily.


As 3D technology continues to advance, it has become useful for those working in dangerous fields. It can be used to teach soldiers risky tactics, help develop strategies on the ground, and safely teach self-defence procedures. A 3D animation leaves no room for misinterpretation, ensuring trainees adopt the safest methods.

Save time and money

One of the most well-known forms of 3D animation is character animation, which can be used for commercials, TV, and movies. Being able to design a character from scratch allows you to create unique actors that can be used to do anything your imagination can think of. You will also save money on wages for live actors and time spent shooting in real life. Costs associated with shooting locations, permits, and equipment can add up quickly. Like most cartoons, 3D animation can usually stand the test of time better than most live action videos.

Easily make changes

The world of architecture and design is filled with proposals that are continually being passed back and forth for editing. Drafting a plan for a building or room takes much longer with pen and paper. It can also be difficult to get an accurate idea of a design through a 2D drafting program, especially for clients who are not familiar with them. New augmented and virtual reality systems can be used to render a detailed proposal without having to build a physical model. Clients can point out things they want to change and designers can easily make these adjustments. A 3D animation also looks more professional and sleek, adding value to your services. This gives your clients a premium feel about your company and shows that you stay updated with the latest technology.


Using a 3D file makes it easier to generate 3D prints of that information, which is becoming more popular in engineering fields. Prototypes can be preserved in digital format and used elsewhere. Doing so makes it easier to bring technology to developing countries. Animated videos using 3D technology can also be easily preserved and edited later to meet future demands.

To find out how 3D animation can bring more business to your company, contact EnDesign. Our experienced production team can create a stunning video for your brand no matter what market you are in.



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