When listing a property for sale or rent, the photos and renderings you showcase it with can make all the difference in attracting potential buyers or tenants. As any real estate agent knows, visuals are incredibly important for selling a home. Choosing the best angles for your real estate renderings is crucial. By selecting flattering perspectives highlighting all the best features, you can ensure your property stands out from the competition.

Go Wide

A wide-angle rendering that captures as much of the entire space as possible is one of the best angles to use. It instantly creates an impression of openness and roominess. Showcasing the expanse of a place in this way not only displays its size but also entices potential buyers with the prospect of a spacious living experience. Wide angles are great for establishing shots of large living areas, kitchens, and outdoor spaces. 

Corner Views for Layout and Design

Another excellent angle is photographing or rendering a property from the corner. This vantage point allows viewers to absorb a room’s full layout and design. Corner angles leave almost nothing unexplored, giving people a deep and detailed glimpse into the space. They are perfect for interior shots where you want customers to understand the floor plan and features.

Head-On for Emphasis

While wide, and corner shots show off the full space, straight-on angles are useful for drawing attention to special elements you want to highlight. Whether it’s a cozy fireplace, intricately designed doors, or any other noteworthy feature, placing it in the center of the frame with nothing around it emphasizes that component. Straight-on views make certain amenities, fixtures, or design details the focal point.

Aerial Shots for Context 

Elevated perspectives captured from drones or created digitally in 3D provide invaluable context by showing how a building relates to its surroundings. Perfect for properties with outdoor space or distinctive architecture, aerial views entice potential buyers with a sense of exploration from above. They demonstrate how the home or community will mesh with nature, landscaping, and other site features.

Eye-Level Realism

Eye-level exterior shots resonate among the most popular angles because they depict an accurate and relatable view of what people would see upon arriving at a property. Rendering or photographing from about face height paints an instantly realistic picture that connects with viewers. Eye-level views are key for listings since they reflect the experience of interacting with the physical space.

Up Close for Intricacies  

While sweeping views are attractive and informative, nothing quite sells a home’s unique qualities, like close-up shots. Placing the camera against exquisite materials, distinctive built-ins, and other fine details captures their craftsmanship and amplifies curb appeal. Close perspectives are perfect for emphasizing anything special about a property that sets it apart, from moulding to appliances.

Choose Quality, Choose Endesign

With 3D rendering, you can control which angles best profile your listings. Let the award-winning designers at Endesign craft photorealistic scenes from any viewpoint to highlight all your properties’ best qualities. 

Contact us today to discuss a custom visualization project!